Our Services

our services

We Empower Women

Mulier Care serves women in crisis and unplanned pregnancies through the ministry of the Pregnancy Help Center and by offering resources, education, and support.  Our services coupled with our woman-focused approach can inspire the trust and confidence that our clients need in order to choose life.

Pregnancy Testing

We provide free, lab-quality pregnancy tests to women in our mobile unit. We are able to provide accurate results for clients immediately, allowing us to discuss next steps with them.


Our mobile unit has a limited OB ultrasound machine that can perform ultrasounds during the first trimester. The machine will detect the fetal heartbeat and allows us to determine how far along the woman is in her pregnancy. Through the amazing science of ultrasound technology a client is able to see the life growing inside of her.

Options Education

At the Pregnancy Help Center nearly all of the women who visit are seeking an abortion. Our goal is to walk with them through their decision-making process and give them factual information about abortion, adoption and parenting. We offer tangible support and mentorship with the goal of encouraging them to choose life for their child. Through our support and mentorship, women are able to choose life.

Continuum of Care

We are aware that women need support after they choose life. Mulier Care has developed a continuum of care program to support the client not only before a birth, but all throughout their journey. That’s why we are connected to organizations in the community that can help provide additional assistance. This continuum of care includes:

  • Healthcare enrollment
  • Free legal services
  • Translation services
  • Information regarding assistance for domestic violence
  • Assistance finding adoption services
  • Assistance working alongside other pregnancy resource centers
  • Advocacy and help finding OB/GYNs


If you or someone you know needs these services, please call 1-615-898-9845, or email director@muliercare.org.

We provide a continuum of care for those women who choose to parent their children, as well as long-term care throughout the pregnancy, including material assistance and other support.

If you are interested in supporting our mission to serve women and end abortion, see how you can get involved.

How Your Donations Help
